
Regenerative versus Kernenergie und einige Mythen

Auf Energy Matters geht es um den Vergleich zwischen regenerativen Energien und Kernenergie, insbesondere um einige Mythen, die sich um dieses Thema ranken.

Nachdem er einige dieser Mythen vorgestellt hat, bringt Euan Mearns es auf den Punkt:
The main point I want to make here is that most universities around the world now have some form of ecology, environmental studies or sustainability department and these departments attract a certain kind of individual. In the same way that divinity departments attract mainly those who believe in Jesus and God, sustainability departments attract those who believe in climate alarmism and renewable energy. A self sustaining monster has been created where throngs of environmentalists have created dozens of journals, peer reviewing each others dross and making believe that this is science. In my opinion, this is one of the biggest threats to society today.

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